Sunday 21 June 2009


Peace be with you -
enjoy God and his love...

Friday 19 June 2009

40 Day Challenge Day 40

A whole 40 days! If you've been here since the beginning on the 11th of May - well done!

The journey isn't over though, for most of us it's just beginning. We need to find a way of ensuring we continue to try to bring our faith into the every day.
Most of us wonder how good we are as Christians - we might even worry about not being good enough - but what this blog was designed to do is to encourage us all to realise that the tiny steps we take are incredibly important. Some of those steps were obviously faith-related (such as reading the Bible) others not so much so (weeding, smiling at strangers, giving away chocolate bars!) but all are an equally valid response to our faith as it seeps through into the very core of our being.

Today, your last challenge is this: keep taking those small steps. Don't stop. Go back over these 40 if you would like to - create some new challenges for yourself and post them here to share with others, or drop a note to

And print out this verse to keep with you to read whenever your faith gets wobbly.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. (2Thess 3:16)

remember... bloggy coffee in the Cathedral, tomorrow at 10.30.

Thursday 18 June 2009

40 Day Challenge DAY 39

In recents days you've pulled up weeds to get rid of what you don't need to carry and you've made room for the needs of others - why not do both today?

Make room in your wardrobe by sifting out the perfectly good clothes you haven't worn in years and put them into a charity shop so that others might get the benefit of them and even more might reap the benefit of the income your surplus-to-requirement outfits bring in.

You could do the same with all those things stored in the garage. And in the loft too...
Go on! Make a start!

Wednesday 17 June 2009

40 Day Challenge Day 38

You've heard of black coffee, milky coffee, expresso, cappuccino - now try bloggy coffee (or tea)! Saturday 10.30am in the Cathedral!

Talking of a cuppa, buy a Fair Trade Tea or Coffee - or better stil, some Fair Trade chocolate - and say a prayer for those, so far away, who grew the beans.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

40 Day Challenge Day 37

Right! On the coffee front: Saturday morning 10.30am in the Cathedral. Donations of goodies welcome but I'm on a diet so don't make them too tempting!!

Today's challenge: Pull up a weed and as you do think of something in your own life you don't need to give space to...
No one is perfect. We've all done things we shouldn't have. We've all said things we regret and we've all experienced things we wish we hadn't. Could we let go of some of these things?
Maybe it's an unhelpful habit we should be weeding out... or character trait... or grudge?
Some weeds I know are easier to pull up than others - but those with the deepest roots, once pulled leave the greater room for other, more fruitful things to grow.
Weeding offers more breathing space.

Monday 15 June 2009

40 Day Challenge Day 36

Just a few more days left. Maybe we should have a Blog Coffee date on Saturday to see who locally, has been following this?
For today however, read Mark 3:1-6.
Jesus wanted to help the man by healing him. He knew though that his every move was being watched and criticised and the injustice of that made him angry.
Anger is not normally an emotion we embrace because so often it's such a negative force - Jesus reminds us though, that sometimes anger is justified.
What are the things we should be getting angry about in our world today?
(And which should we set to one side?)

Sunday 14 June 2009

40 Day Challenge Day 35

These last few posts have been about being generous as God is generous.
You've been challenged to be generous with what you have and with your blessings - now be generous with your support.
I know today is Sunday so this may not be so easy, but try to eat today, food that is locally produced and enjoy the fruits of the Highlands and the fruits of Highlanders efforts!
Maybe this gives you the perfect excuse to eat out...?